Watts to Amps Calculator

by Uniscoblog

Watts to Amps Calculator


Volts to Watts Calculator >>

What’s the definition of watts?

Amps multiply with the aid of using Volts is equals to Watts. The more the watts, the more the appliance’s electricity and outputs. In the case of the hosepipe, this refers to the quantity of water this is discharged.

What’s the definition of Ampere?

Ampere are devices of dimension for the glide of power with inside the shape of an electric powered modern-day. Electrical electricity can be as compared to the glide of water thru a hosepipe. The modern-day will become more potent as greater water flows during the hosepipe.

What is the system for changing watts to Ampere?

You may also use a variation of Watt’s Principle equation to transform watts to Ampere at a set voltage:

Power = Current Voltage
P = IV

watts to amperes conversion equation:

amps = watts / volts

Here, we describe 3 varieties of watts to amps calculation

1. DC watts to amps
2. AC single phase watts to amps
3. AC 3 phase watts to amps

1. DC watts to amps
The electricity P in watts divided with the aid of using the voltage in volts equals the modern-day I in Ampere.

I = P / V

2. AC single phase watts to amps
The electricity P in watts divided with the aid of using the voltage V in volts increased with the aid of using the electricity component PF equals the modern-day I in Ampere.

I = P / (V * PF)

3. AC 3 phase watts to amps
The phase modern-day I is same to the electricity P in watts divided with the aid of using the rectangular root of three instances the electricity component PF instances the road to line RMS voltage V(L-L) in volts.

I = P / (√3 × PF × V(L-L)

The phase modern-day I in Ampere equals the electricity P in watts divided with the aid of using three instances the electricity component PF instances the road to impartial RMS voltage V(L-N) in volts.

I = P / (3 × PF × V(L-N)

Volts to amps calculator >>

watt to Ampere conversion table for 120v volts

watt amps
10 0.083
20 0.166
30 0.25
40 0.333
50 0.416
60 0.5
70 0.583
80 0.666
90 0.75
100 0.833


See also other

Amps to Watts Calculator

Amps to Kilowatts Calculator

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